Why should I trust the My Data Removal team?
Our commitment to Privacy and Security
At MyDataRemoval, your privacy and security are our top priorities. Our systems and processes are designed with a security-first and privacy-friendly mindset.


Data Sharing
We only share your information to opt you out of websites. Otherwise, your data is never shared without your explicit permission.

No Ads or Tracking
Our website is free of third-party advertisements and tracking scripts, ensuring your privacy remains protected.

Privacy Friendly Web Analytics
We don't use Google Analytics. We instead use privacy friendly Plausible Analytics.

Data Protection
Your data is stored in a database behind a firewall, protected by specific credentials and industry-standard encryption. This means your data is secure both at rest and in transit.

System Updates
Our platforms are continuously updated and patched to eliminate vulnerabilities. You can verify our security through services like Observatory or UpGuard.

Even if database credentials were somehow accessed, your data would be unreadable without the encryption key (which we guard aggressively). Your data is only unencrypted during entry, service use, and when viewed in your account.

Third-Party Payment Processors
We use Helcim or PayPal to handle payments. We never see your credit card information, ensuring your payment details remain secure.

Two-Factor Authentication
Your account can be secured with two-factor authentication to ensure no one can access your account but you.

Account Locking
After several failed login attempts your account is locked ensuring that no one can brute force access to your account.
Trust and Transparency
We are dedicated to building a trustworthy company. Your privacy and security are not just our jobs—they are our passion and livelihood.
Ready to protect your online data?
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us. We fight for privacy and want to fight for you!